This week, in a 2-1 decision, the 6th District Court ruled that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and fellow litigants did not have standing to sue the National Security Agency over the Terrorist Surveillance Program or (TSP). Under the terms of the program, President George Bush had authorized the use of warrantless wiretaps, when one end of the communications is in a foreign country. It is clear that NSA does not need a judge-issued warrant for eavesdropping on international conversations. It is also clear that if the wiretapping involves people entirely within this country, the government needs to seek a warrant. It is certainly less clear what the limits are on executive authority in this in between situation.
There had been some mixed limited opinion at the District Court level on this issue, but there was no definitive legal judgment on the matter at the Supreme Court level. This case potentially can provide an important opportunity to plumb new depths of Constitutional law on an issue that is likely to play an important role in the War on Terror for decades. Instead, District Court Judge Anna Diggs Taylor used it for polemical advantage and little legal reasoning. Taylor not only ruled that that the litigants had what many conceded was questionable standing to sue, but that the TSP violated the First Amendment (for its alleged chilling effect on communication) and the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable search. She then issued an immediate injunction banning the communications intercepts at issue.
One might have had a hint as to what the 6th District decision would decision ultimately be when they quickly issued a stay of the judge’s order. The case became more complex when it turned out, that Taylor served on the board of a nonprofit organization that made regular grants to the ACLU. Judge Taylor was probably not violating the law by not recusing herself from the case, but it would have improved judicial transparency and her credibility if she had addressed the issue directly.
The initial press reports on the decision focused on the number of pages in the decision as if pages are a unit of measure for clarity and wisdom. After further consideration, most have now concluded that Taylor’s decision was poorly reasoned. Even the Washington Post, that is sympathetic with the notion that the TSP exceeds Presidential authority, had to concede that the judge’s decision was “neither careful nor scholarly, and it is hard-hitting only in the sense that a bludgeon is hard hitting.”
The 6th District Court overruled Taylor in a minimalist decision. It concluded that since the litigants could not prove that any of their communications had been intercepted, they could not prove that TSP had done them any harm. The New York Times, in the third paragraph of their reporting of the 6th District Court’s decision, dutifully repeat the ACLU’s argument pointing out that the secrecy of the program it is own protection. Since, no one knows if they have been wiretapped no one could ever have standing to sue.
The Constitutional system does have a way to deal with these issues. It is through the political process and legislative representatives that these broad issues are dealt with. The 6th District Court of Appeals cited the US Supreme Court in United States v. Richardson:
“It can be argued that if respondent is not permitted to litigate this issue, no one can do so. In a very real sense, the absence of any particular individual or class to litigate these claims gives support to the argument that the subject matter is committed to the surveillance of Congress, and ultimately to the political process. Any other conclusion would mean that the Founding Fathers intended to set up something in the nature of an Athenian democracy or a New England town meeting to oversee the conduct of the National Government by means of lawsuits in federal courts. The Constitution created a representative Government with the representatives directly responsible to their constituents at stated periods of two, four, and six years; that the Constitution does not afford a judicial remedy does not, of course, completely disable the citizen who is not satisfied with the `ground rules established by the Congress for reporting expenditures of the Executive Branch.”
Ultimately, it is the inability to remember this that condemned Jude Taylor to yield to the temptation of using the law for partisan political ends. With this 6th District Court decision, reason and judicial temperance have now prevailed.
Claiming Our Past
Sunday, July 15th, 2007Memory is key to self-identify both for individuals and communities. Knowing and understanding our past places the present in context. In order to make reasonable extrapolations into the future, the present must be anchored to the past. Change our memories and understanding of the past and you change who we are now and who are likely to evolve into. This is reason why the teaching of history is so important and why some recent events are so discouraging.
Perhaps the most consequential British citizen of the twentieth century was Winston Churchill. It was Churchills poetic articulation of English resolve that sustained the English during the Battle of Britain and led to victory in WWII against the Nazism and Fascism. Now we find that Churchill is to be dropped from England’s history syllabus in part to make room for practical life skills. It is not so much that Churchill is being dropped in favor of other more favored by contemporary standards. Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Joseph Stalin and Martin Luther King have also been dropped. It is that without a knowledge of the monumental struggles of the past, we an incapable of drawing experience and inspiration from these struggles. The lost of the past does not focus us on the future, but robs from the future and make us entirely a present-tense society. The British could only be bucked up with Churchills words, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in olden time if there was an olden time to which the British could recall.
What is happening in Britain appears less malicious than foolish. Perhaps we cannot be so generous in our estimation of American efforts to create politically correct history text books. William Bennett reports that the National History standards emphasize Soviet space activities and the Challenger accident with nary a mention of the Moon landing. There is one textbook that devotes more space to Clintons reinventing government than Eisenhowers interstate highway system
The Washington Post reports the difficulty in teaching literature from such classics as Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn or Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird because of the some of the language is racially offensive. Ironically, considered in the context of the times, both books represented radical notions of racial equality. Now these authors are not appreciated by those who do not have a sufficient historical perspective to appreciate the work.
There has been renewed interest in our Founding Fathers given some recent best selling books such ad David McCulloughs John Adams, Joseph Elliss His Excellency: George Washington and Ron Chernows Alexander Hamilton. Doris Kearns Goodwin managed to provide additional insight on Abraham Lincolns political skill in Team of Rivals. Certainly, William Bennett is doing his part publishing the two volume best selling history of the US, America: The Last Best Hope. However, these appeal primarily to adults and young people probably already interested and literate in history.
Perhaps we can work in our local communities to make sure that history is given its proper priority in the curriculum. However, it an arduous task likely to consume years of effort. This is a time for the entertainment industry to step into the breach and provide popular re-tellings of history. If the fictional Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter can draw large young audiences, surely stories from the greatest political story every told can be made interesting.
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