The Senate Foreign Relations Committee recently approved a resolution, 12-9, in a largely party-line vote, to oppose President George Bushs plan to surge the troops in Iraq. The goal of the troop surge is to bring greater security to Iraq. Much of the resolutions text is non-controversial. It calls for the eventual transfer of security responsibility to Iraqi forces. This is certainly the ultimate goal of the Administration. Further, no one can reasonably oppose the assertion that leads off the resolution that maximizing chances of success in Iraq should be our goal.
The Senate and Congress also have a positive responsibility to hold hearings and evaluate the Presidents foreign policy. They can even responsibly conclude that the Presidents policy is unwise. They could even decide that it is so unwise that they cut off funds. While they could not use legislative power to micromanage troop deployments, they certainly could cut funds for the Iraq War by a date certain.
In Congressional hearings and in public statements members of the Senate and Congress can advocate whatever policy they consider the most prudent. For example, contrary to her current position, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi while minority leader in 2004 urged more troops for Iraq.
However, a non-binding resolution officially rebuking the Presidents decision is irresponsible. This resolution, if passed by the full Senate, merely undermines the troops in the field. Certainly, Al Qaeda and insurgents in Iraq view the resolution as a victory. By its nature, the resolution makes the successful execution of the troop surge less likely and endangers lives and violates the stated goal of the resolution of maximizing chances of success.
To appreciate the fact that this Senate action is pure political posturing of the most cynical kind, one only has to notice that the Senate followed dismissal of the Presidents policy in committee with the confirmation of General David Patraeous by a whopping 81-0 vote in the full Senate. General Patraeous is not only tasked to carry out the Presidents surge policy, he is an important architect of it. Voting against the surge and for Patraeous is measure of how unserious most of the Senate is.
As rash as the anti-surge resolution is, the most terribly disheartening recent news is the Fox News Poll that asked Americans whether they wanted the Presidents surge policy to succeed. The question was not whether they expected the policy to succeed, but whether you want the plan President Bush announced last week to succeed. Among Democrats 51% wanted the plan to succeed (the loyal opposition), 34% did not, and 15% were not sure they wanted the plan to succeed.
Lets be generous and assume that the 15% listed as dont know were confused by the question. Let us further assume that nearly half of the Democrats who said they did not want the plan to succeed accidentally selected the wrong response. Thus, by conservative estimate the percentage of Democrats who do not want the Presidents plan to succeed is 20%.
If the Presidents plan does not succeed it means the American military would suffer more casualties than it otherwise would. It would mean that many more innocent Iraqi citizens would die. Any even 36% of Democrats in the same poll conceded that if the plan fails, terrorists would be encouraged to attack the United States again.
A cynic could confidently conclude that one-in-five Democrats hate the President (or perhaps the country) so deeply and profoundly they would prefer all these negative consequences to Bush succeeding. It would be convenient if Democrats would refrain from providing evidence that nurtures such cynicism.
Pushing All the Chips In
Sunday, January 14th, 2007When the history of the Iraq War is written, it may well be concluded that former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will have proven to be an excellent manager, but a mediocre war-time leader. It may well be the consensus that Generals William Casey, Commander of Multi-National Force-in Iraq, and John Abizaid, Commander of Central Command, were more talented as diplomats and administrators than as warriors.
At the outset of the Iraq War, there were two prevailing strategic theories to topple the Saddam Hussein regime, go in heavy or fast. Going-in-heavy meant the large systematic destruction of the Iraqi resistance using heavy armor and intense firepower. The upside of such an approach was a higher probability of military success with fewer US casualties. The disadvantage would be higher civilian casualties and greater destruction of Iraqi infrastructure. The strategy of going-in-fast relied more on speed, precision, and flexibility to reduce collateral damage, but at the cost of potentially increasing US casualties.
General Tommy Franks elected to go-in-fast and that gamble paid off handsomely. The war started on March 20, 2003. By April 9, Baghdad had fallen, and by April 15, the Saddam strong-hold of Tikrit also fell. The conventional part the war was effectively over with very few American casualties and minimum of collateral damage.
Although, Franks had proved that going-in-light was a wise strategy to win the war, there was no follow-up with large numbers of Coalition troops to secure Iraq post hostilities. Perhaps, because Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld wanted to minimize the costs of the war, perhaps because some advised that a large US footprint would irritate Iraqis, perhaps because some urged a political solution as opposed to a heavy-handed military presence, the US maintained a modest presence of under 200,000 troops, usually less than 150,000.
The strategy championed by Casey and Abizaid was to maintain modest troop levels. The goal was to seek first to implement a democratic government under the belief that after a political solution, the violence would decline. Perhaps, we should have noticed that the increased troop levels used to secure Iraq during the election periods were actually very effective in reducing violence.
The theory of keeping US troop presence at a minimum was an honest and plausible post-war strategy, but it has not succeeded in the way anticipated. In conflict, cutting corners is dangerous and does not convince either friends or adversaries of ones commitment and strength.
Potential insurgents must never be allowed any success. Sources of power other than Coalition troops and the elected Iraqi government should never be allowed to exist. After initially quelling outbreaks by followers of Muqtada al-Sadr, militias loyal to al-Sadr have been allowed sanctuaries. Out of an effort to reduce stresses within the new Iraqi government, al-Sadr was given latitude. As a consequence sectarian violence has festered. In war, there is no substitute for victory and it must be complete.
Now it is possible that the proposed surge in troops in conjunction with different rules of engagement, and with the participation of Iraqi troops could change the momentum of the conflict. Most areas of Iraq, save Baghdad and Anbar province, are mostly secure. Focusing 20,000 troops in the correct places may work. Karl von Clausewitz warned that no military leader has ever become great without audacity. The surge should not be timid attempt to regain security, but grand attempt to gain victory
From a distance it is not possible to determine if the proposed troop surge and the plan to use these troops are sufficient to overwhelm opposition. We may know in a few months. At the poker table of the Iraq War virtually all Democrats, who are only sitting at the table for fear of being left out, and some squishy Republicans have already folded their hands. President George Bush has pushed all his chips into the center. However, this is only wise if one has a sufficiently good hand to claim the pot.
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